Humans are the most important thing on earth, which is why they must begin to understand they are not the most important thing on earth.

Mila Gonzales
1 min readMay 6, 2021

There needs to be a dawning in the human species that it, its subgroups and individuals amongst its members are not the most important of things on earth.

The most important things are life and the resources each of those living things consume during the course of its life.

We are not the greatest thing on earth, but life on earth is. Therefore the most important issue for our consideration is the thriving and longevity of life on earth, reaching far beyond our own lifetime, and even the outright existence of our own species.

Some of us dream of a craft which can transport people though the stars, well, we live on one right now.

Our house is not our home, the earth is, and if we continue to kick away the struts of life on earth, we have nowhere to go if it collapses.

Sadly, we live under the delusion that earth can and should take all the abuse we direct at is.

We also live under the delusion we cannot make a difference. That is false. Everybody makes a difference, it’s up to you to determine and change what difference you make. Make purchases as conscientious as you can make them, and encourage others to accept biodiversity as the ultimate diversity.

